Michael Giudici and Daniel Hawtin ran maths activity sessions for year 9 and 10 students at Girls in Engineering day on 8 June 2016.
Tomasz Popiel was awarded a CMSC Ambassador small grant to visit Michel Lavrauw at The University of Padova, Italy, in June 2016.
Stephen Glasby visited Alice Niemeyer and Frank Lubeck in RWTH Aachen University, Germany, 26 June-9 July 2016.
Melissa Lee tutored on the Curious Minds outreach program in Canberra, 7-11 July 2016.
Cheryl Praeger reviewed the film "The man who knew infinity" on the Science Show on 18 July.
Cheryl Praeger attended the General Assembly of the International Commission for Mathematical Instruction in Hamburg (23 July 2016), and Executive Committee meetings in Berlin (20-23 July 2016). She completes her term as ICMI Vice President in December.
The annual CMSC ECR paper prize was awarded to Joanna Fawcett's paper "Regular orbits of symmetric and alternating groups" in Journal of Algebra that is joint with Eamonn O'Brien and Jan Saxl.
Melissa Lee had a profile appear on the Women in STEMM Australia website.
Melissa Lee has completed her MPhil. Her thesis was titled "The m-covers and m-ovoids of generalised quadrangles and related structures" under supervision of John Bamberg and Michael Giudici. Congratulations, Melissa!
Binzhou Xia joined the centre on a two year Research Associate position funded by the ARC Discovery project of Michael Giudici, Cai Heng Li and Gabriel Verret. He was previously at Peking University. Welcome Binzhou!
Luke Morgan was awarded funds from the CMSC ambassador program. He will visit Jicheng Ma (Chongching University of Arts and Science) and Cai Heng Li (South University of Science and Technology China) in September.
Luke Morgan recieved UWA's 2016 Vice-Chancellor's Early Career Investigators Award.
We are thrilled to announce the birth of Martin Christian, the son of Irene Pivotto and her husband Robin Christian. We wish them all the very best.
Don Taylor (University of Sydney), 18-20 August.
Peter Cameron (University of St Andrews), 10 September-7 October.
Rosemary Bailey (University of St Andrews), 10 September-7 October.
Combinatorialists from Monash University: Darcy Best, Graham Farr, Daniel Horsley, Kerri Morgan, Ian Wanless, 26-30 September.
Barbara Baumeister (Bielefeld University), 6-21 October.
SymOmega is a mathematical blog run by CMSC members John Bamberg, Michael Giudici and Gordon Royle.
Combinatorics 2016, Maratea, Italy, 29 May-4 June 2016. John Bamberg, Joanna Fawcett, Jesse Landsdown, Melissa Lee and Tomasz Popiel gave talks.
Group theory in Florence: A meeting in Honour of Guido Zappa, Florence, Italy, 16-17 June 2016. Stephen Glasby gave a seminar.
International Congress for Mathematical Education, Hamburg, Germany, 24-31 July 31. Cheryl Praeger chaired the Klein Medal lecture of Professor Frederick K S Leung.
Workshop on Computational Group Theory, Oberwolfach, Germany, 31 July-6 August. Cheryl Praeger gave a talk.
47th Annual Iranian Maths Conference, Kharazmi University, Iran, 28-31 August 2016. Michael Giudici is an invited speaker.
Simons Institute for the Theory of Computing Workshop {Symmetry, Logic, Computation}, Berkeley, USA, 7-10 November 2016. Joanna Fawcett will attend.
BIRS Workshop on Permutation Groups, Banff, Canada, 13-18 November 2016. Cheryl Praeger is one of the organisers, and Joanna Fawcett, Michael Giudici and Luke Morgan will attend.
60th Annual Meeting of the Australian Mathematical Society, Canberra, Australia, 5-8 December 2016. Cheryl Praeger and Binzhou Xia will attend.
40th Australasian Conference on Combinatorial Mathematics and Combinatorial Computing, Newcastle, Australia, 12-16 December 2016. Gordon Royle and Binzhou Xia will attend.
Workshop on Permutation Groups: Methods and Applications, Bielefeld, Germany, 12-14 January 2017. Michael Giudici and Cheryl Praeger are invited speakers.
Published papers
J. Bamberg, M. Lee and E. Swartz A note on relative hemisystems of Hermitian generalised quadrangles, Designs, Codes and Cryptography 81 (2016) 131-144.
P. J. Cameron and C. E Praeger, Constructing flag-transitive, point-imprimitive designs, Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics 43 (2016) 755-769.
J. B. Fawcett, Locally triangular graphs and normal quotients of the n-cube, Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics 44 (2016) 119-130.
N. I. Gillespie, M. Giudici, D. R. Hawtin and C. E. Praeger, Entry-faithful 2-neighbour transitive codes, Designs, Codes and Cryptography 79 (2016) 549-564 .
M. Giudici, A. A. Ivanov, L. Morgan and C. E. Praeger, A characterisation of weakly locally projective amalgams related to A16 and the sporadic simple groups M24 and He, Journal of Algebra 460 (2016) 340-365.
M. N. Iradmusa and C. E. Praeger Two-sided group digraphs and graphs, Journal of Graph Theory 82 (2016) 279-295.
A. C. Niemeyer and T. Popiel Finding involutions with small support, Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society 94 (2016) 43-47.
C. E Praeger, Obituary: J. P. O. (Phil) Silberstein, Gazette of the Australian Mathematical Society 43 (2016) 112-113.
F. G. Woodhouse, A. Forrow, J. B. Fawcett and J. Dunkel, Stochastic cycle selection in active flow networks, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (USA) 113 (2016) 8200-8205.
Accepted papers
C. Amarra, M. Giudici and C. E. Praeger, Affine primitive symmetric graphs of diameter two, to appear in Ars Mathematica Contemporanea.
J. Araujo, W. Bentz, P. J. Cameron, G. Royle and A. Schaefer, Primitive groups, graph endomorphisms and synchronization, to appear in Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society.
J. Bamberg, C. H. Li and E. Swartz, A classification of finite antiflag-transitive generalized quadrangles, to appear in Transactions of the American Mathematical Society.
J. Bamberg, T. Popiel and C. E. Praeger, Point-primitive, line-transitive generalised quadrangles of holomorph type, to appear in Journal of Group Theory.
A. C. Niemeyer, G. Pfeiffer and C. E. Praeger, On the complexity of multiplication in the Iwahori-Hecke algebra of the symmetric group, to appear in Journal of Symbolic Computation.
Submitted papers
M. Akbari, N. Gillespie and C. E Praeger, Increasing the minimum distance of codes by twisting.
A. Alahmadi, S. P. Glasby, C. E. Praeger, P. Solé and B. Yildiz, Twisted centralizer codes.
J. Bamberg B. Corr, A. Devillers, D. Hawtin, I. Pivotto and E. Swartz, On the circular altitude of a graph.
J. Bamberg and M. Lee, A relative m-cover of the Hermitian surface is a relative hemisystem.
J. B. Fawcett and M. Giudici, C. H. Li, C. E. Praeger, G. Royle and G. Verret, Primitive permutation groups with a suborbit of length 5 and vertex-primitive graphs of valency 5.
N. I. Gillespie and D. R. Hawtin, Alphabet-almost-simple 2-neighbour transitive codes.
M. Giudici and L. Morgan, A theory of semiprimitive groups.
S. P. Glasby, C. E. Praeger and A. Alahmadi, On the dimension of twisted centralizer codes.